Vidéo guitare et chant, tablature, accords, paroles de la chanson “Mr Rock and Roll” de Amy Macdonald.
Tablature : accords, paroles
Capo 7ème case Accords utilisés: D : (xxo232) Dsus4 : (xx0233) D6/9 : (xx0200) Asus4 : (x02230) A7sus4 : (x02033) Em7 : (022030) G : (320033) Intro: D Dsus4 D6/9 D x4 Couplet 1: D So called Mr. rock 'n roll he's dancing on his own again, Talking on his phone again to someone who tells him that his G D Dsus4 D6/9 D x2 balance is low he's got nowhere to go he's on his own again. Couplet 2: D Rock chic of the century is acting like she used to be, dancing like there's no one there before she ever seemed to care now G D Dsus4 D6/9 D x2 she wouldn't dare, it's so rock 'n roll to be alo - hone. Refrain 1: D Asus4 Em7 And they'll meet one day far away and say I wish I was something more, Asus4 Em7 and they'll meet one day far away and say I wish I knew you, I wish I knew D Dsus4 D6/9 D x4 you before. Couplet 3: D Mrs black and white shes never seen a shade of grey G always somthing on her mind, every single day but now she's lost her way, D Dsus4 D6/9 D x2 and where does she go from here? Couplet 4: D Mr. multicultural sees all that one could see, he's living proof of someone very different to me G D Dsus4 D6/9 D x2 but now he want's to be free, free so he can see. Chorus 2: AS CHORUS 1 Bridge: D Em7 Asus4 G D He'll say I wish I knew you, I wish met you when time was still on my side Em7 Asus4 G Asus4 she'll say I wish I knew you, I wish I loved you before I was his bride. Asus4 A7sus4 Couplet 5: A7sus4 D And so they must be depart too many moral broken hearts but i've seen that all before in t.v. books and films and more G D Dsus4 D6/9 D x2 and there's a happy ending, every single day. Outro: Reprendre Refrain 1
merci pour la tablature. mais quelqu’un saurait comment on joue la rythmique svp ?
Question :
Il y a marqué “chorus 2 : as chorus 1” sauf que je vois pas le chorus 1 …
En tout cas merci beaucoup, cette chanson est magnifique !
merci beaucoup
bien mais l’anglais va trop vite, je vais m’entraîner!!!
superbe chanson! est-ce que quelqu’un sait commment jouer d6/9 merci d’avance
Bah, ils le donnent sur la tab –> xx0200
D’ailleurs, je l’appellerais plutôt D6/sus2 car cet accord est dépourvu de tierce.
dsl j’ai pas fait attention merci