The iPhone bend, also known as “Bendgate,” has become a popular topic in recent years. Many iPhone users have reported that their devices are bending in their pockets, causing significant damage. In this article, we will take a closer look at the top iPhone bend incidents and what you can do to prevent it.

Introduction to the iPhone Bend:

The iPhone bend controversy started in 2014, when several iPhone 6 Plus users reported that their devices were bending in their pockets. Apple acknowledged the issue and claimed that the bending was due to normal use and not a design flaw. However, many iPhone users were skeptical and continued to report bend incidents.

Top iPhone Bend Incidents

  1. iPhone 6 Plus

The iPhone 6 Plus was one of the first devices to experience the bend controversy. Many users reported that their devices were bending in their pockets, causing significant damage.

  1. iPhone 6s Plus

The iPhone 6s Plus also experienced bend incidents, but to a lesser extent than the iPhone 6 Plus. Apple claimed that the issue was due to normal use and not a design flaw.

  1. iPhone 7 Plus

The iPhone 7 Plus also experienced bend incidents, but they were less frequent than the previous models. Apple continued to claim that the bending was due to normal use and not a design flaw.

  1. iPhone X

The iPhone X was the first device to experience the bend controversy after its release in 2017. Many users reported that their devices were bending in their pockets, causing significant damage.

Preventing the iPhone Bend:

There are several steps you can take to prevent your iPhone from bending:

  1. Use a Case

Using a protective case is one of the best ways to prevent your iPhone from bending. A case will provide extra protection and prevent your device from bending in your pocket.

  1. Avoid Keeping Your Phone in Your Pocket

Keeping your phone in your pocket is one of the main causes of the iPhone bend. To prevent this, consider using a backpack, purse, or another type of carrying case.

  1. Avoid Sitting on Your Phone

Sitting on your phone is another common cause of the iPhone bend. To prevent this, avoid sitting on your phone or placing it in your back pocket.


The iPhone bend is a serious issue that has affected many iPhone users. By taking the steps outlined in this article, you can help prevent your device from bending and keep it in good condition.

Table: Top iPhone Bend Incidents

| Model | Year Released | Bend Incidents |

| iPhone 6 Plus | 2014 | High |

| iPhone 6s Plus | 2015 | Moderate |

| iPhone 7 Plus | 2016 | Low |

| iPhone X | 2017 | High |

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