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Oasis – Lyla

Vidéo guitare et chant, tablature gratuite, accords, paroles de la chanson “Lyla” de Oasis.

Tablature, accords, paroles


Accords    :  G6/A - x000000
                 A - x02220
           Dadd9/A - x04230
           Fmaj7/A - x03210
             G6/A* - x05430
                 D - xx0232
              G6/9 - 3x0200
          Dsus2/F# - 200230
            E7sus4 - 020200
                E7 - 020100
                G6 - 3x0000
                 E - 022100

Intro:       G6/A , A

Couplet 1:     Dadd9/A                          G6/A
             Callin' all the stars to fall,

                  Fmaj7/A             G6/A*          A      G6/A
             and catch the sliver sun-light in your hands.

             Dadd9/A                      G6/A
             Comfort me and set me free,

             Fmaj7/A        G6/A*            A       G6/A
             Lift me up and take me where I stand

Couplet 2:     Dadd9/A                     G6/A
             She believes in everything

             Fmaj7/A             G6/A*           A      G6/A
             And everyone and you and yours and mine

             I waited for a thousand years

             G6/A*                               A
             for you to come and blow me out my mind

             D A D A D A G/6A

Refrain:     A     D    A
             Hey,  LY - LA

             G6                Dsus2/F#
             A star's about to fall

                             A    D    A
             So what d'you say,   LY - LA?

             G6/9                Dsus2/F#         A
    D   A
             The world around us makes me feel so small, LY - LA

             G6/9               Dsus2/F#             AD    A
             If you can hear me call, then I can't say  LY - LA

             G6/9            Dsus2/F#      E7sus4
             Heaven help you catch me if I fall

  A , G6/A

Couplet 3:     Comme le couplet 2


Interlude:      E7sus4 , E7 , G6 , E7sus4 ,
, G6
                E7sus4 , E7 , G6 , E7 ,
, E7 , E7sus4 , E7 , E7sus4 ,

             A   D    A    G6/9
             Hey LY - LA

Outro:       E7su4 , E
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